When parents decide to part ways, one of the most important considerations is their shared children. Where will the children live, and how will custody be coordinated? What is each parent’s financial obligations? While working these issues out, it’s important to behave in a way that supports the children’s emotional well-being and does not undermine a parent’s legal standing. Here are some tips for West Virginia parents going through a divorce.
When parents split, it often changes a child’s life dramatically. The impact may not be altogether avoidable, but the situation can be made more comfortable through the behavior of the parents. For example, it’s a good idea to avoid discussing the details of the divorce in front of children. Parents should also never speak poorly of the other in front of their children. Lacking discretion can negatively impact children and child custody could be impacted if one party is seen to be sharing inappropriate information with the kids.
Parents who intend to ask for at least partial custody should be very aware of their behavior when going through a divorce. Those with substance issues should seek help, and stresses should be dealt with through appropriate channels such as therapy to avoid acting out. Working with an attorney to get clarity on issues like child custody and support, negotiating these issues with the other parent where possible, should be a top priority.
Overall, it is important that parents consider how their actions will be perceived in a divorce, both by their children and by the legal system. Maintaining peace and keeping controversy away from kids is important to help the maintain well-being during the process. Working with a West Virginia attorney to navigate issues is an important aspect of keeping things above board.