When you and the love of your life committed your futures to each other, you may not have understood the full depth of traditional marriage vows such as “for better, for worse” and “for richer, for poorer.” Like countless other couples, your marriage has probably...

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Firm News
Don’t let financial infidelity ruin your marriage
Trust is of the utmost importance in committed relationships. Some couples struggle with issues related to cheating. However, not everyone is aware that a spouse could be unfaithful in other ways as well. Some partners make secretive financial infidelity or are...
Can time together negatively affect a marriage?
Spending time together is important in every relationship. For married couples, this is often difficult to accomplish, considering how careers and children’s activities can fill up the calendar. While date nights and family vacations are a fun way to reconnect,...
Helping children cope with high-conflict divorces
Although avoiding high-conflict divorces and afterwards with a coparent may not always be possible, divorcing parents in West Virginia should make an effort to ensure that their children develop healthy coping skills. A study of 240 children over a six-year period...
Why might infidelity enter into a marriage?
Many of your friends and family members have been married and divorced, some of them multiple times. Yet, regardless of the reasons why their relationships did not last, you probably never thought your spouse would cheat. When you vowed to be faithful, there was no...
Are all attorneys the same?
Virtually every aspect of life is unpredictable, at best. You never know what will change from day to day, and when you find yourself involved in a legal dispute, you may not know who would best represent you. Many situations require legal guidance, but,...
Separate bank accounts do not equal separate property
Married couples in West Virginia usually share much more than their last names. From homes to groceries to favorite TV shows, much of marriage seems to be based on shared assets and activities. However, after witnessing their parents and friends' parents go through...
Does joint custody improve men’s parenting?
For fathers, divorce can pose a set of unique concerns. These men often worry about how often they will see their children or whether they will be able to effectively parent without the help of their soon-to-be exes. Despite these worries, fathers in West Virginia and...
Is property division complicated during gray divorce?
Just like there is no wrong age for marrying, there is no wrong age for getting a divorce. However, depending on a couple's age or the stage of life they are in, there may be unique hurdles to overcome. For West Virginia couples who are over the age of 50, dealing...
Strange situations can complicate alimony
Spousal support is an important part of securing financial stability after a divorce. However, in a great many cases, spousal support -- also called alimony -- is not indefinite. There are often time limits on how long a person may receive support, and their actions...