Spousal support is a legal term used to describe payments provided from one party to another after their divorce. Not all West Virginia divorces result in an order for spousal support. It’s usually based on one party not being able to afford to live on their own after...

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Spousal Support
Spousal support can ease the transition after divorce
There are many financial concerns when one decides to proceed with the divorce process in West Virginia. These concerns include child support, asset division, and in some cases, spousal support. Spousal support may be court-ordered or agreed upon in mediation or a...
What factors determine the amount of spousal support payments?
Your divorce has the potential to negatively impact your financial stability for years to come. The process itself can be costly, and you could be facing a future with reduced income. If you earned significantly less than your spouse over the course of your marriage,...
How does spousal support affect a tax return?
Tax season is here once again, and many people in West Virginia may have questions about their returns. Some of the more common questions relate to spousal support or alimony payments. Just a couple of years ago, changes to the Internal Revenue Code impacted whether...
Strange situations can complicate alimony
Spousal support is an important part of securing financial stability after a divorce. However, in a great many cases, spousal support -- also called alimony -- is not indefinite. There are often time limits on how long a person may receive support, and their actions...
Woman wants to stop paying alimony after ex won lottery
Although divorce formally ends a marriage, there are many factors that might continue to tie two ex-spouses to one another. From sharing children to making child support or alimony payments, many divorced couples are at least temporarily still linked together....
Alimony attorneys consider impact of tax law changes on clients
As West Virginia readers know, several new tax laws will be in effect at the beginning of the year. Very soon, couples walking through divorce will have to rethink how spousal support payments will work and what they could mean for a person's taxes. Alimony attorneys...
Could a lump sum alimony payment be right for you?
For many people, getting a divorce is much like letting out a big breath of relief. However, after realizing that they will have to pay monthly alimony, all of that relief can quickly disappear. Those in West Virginia who are uncomfortable with the idea of remaining...
The four types of alimony in West Virginia
One of the impactful things that can happen in West Virginia divorces is a party being granted spousal support, also known as alimony, through a court order or a settlement agreement. Under state law, there are four types of spousal support arrangements that can be...