Many West Virginia parents are preparing to file petitions in civil court. Such petitions are often submitted to request divorce, although the reasons that have prompted such requests are unique to each spouse. A particular judge overseeing a case may issue temporary orders before a settlement is achieved. It is important to understand what such orders might include and what might happen if a spouse does not adhere to an order.
Examples of temporary order issues in a divorce
A temporary divorce orders is legally binding and enforceable. Such an order might pertain to child custody, child support or alimony. If parents are no longer living under the same roof, a family court judge might determine that it is best for the children involved in a specific case to begin receiving child support payments or to enact custody rules, even if all the details of a settlement have not yet been worked out.
Once the court issues an order — even a temporary one, both sides must fully adhere to the terms. If a judge orders a parent to pay child support and he or she disregards the order, the court may find the parent in question in contempt, which, in some cases, may lead to jail time.
Seek clarification before signing any divorce documents
It is critical that a parent clearly understands West Virginia divorce laws, especially those regarding child custody and child support, before signing terms of an agreement. An experienced family law attorney is well-versed in all aspects of divorce litigation and can recommend a best course of action in a specific set of circumstances, particularly to protect a parent’s rights and financial interests as he or she works out a settlement.