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Aaron Carter’s son to be returned to mother’s custody

Dec 21, 2022 | Child Custody & Support

When a West Virginia parent dies, custody of any minor children usually goes to the other parent without issue. But in some cases, like with the recent death of Aaron Carter, a custody dispute between the surviving parent and other family members can happen. These disputes can bring about a lot of emotions as they often include allegations of abuse or neglect. Such cases are very difficult for everyone involved and can be especially hard for the children caught in the middle. 

A happy outcome for a mother 

When Aaron Carter passed away, there were several important legal issues that had to be resolved. One of those issues was who would get custody of his 13-month-old son. Aaron’s mother had been caring for the child in the months leading up to his death due to concerns about drug use and violence in the home.  

When it’s possible, the court’s goal is to keep families together. After Aaron’s death, a court ruled that the child’s mother would regain custody of her son. The late singer’s fiancée is understandably relieved to have her son back in her care. She believes that Aaron would be happy with the outcome.  

Where to turn for help in a custody dispute 

Custody battles can be extremely draining, both emotionally and financially. In some cases, these battles are not so much about what’s best for the child, but about control. When an agreement can’t be reached between the parties who want custody, the court must step in to help. West Virginians who are facing a custody battle can prepare themselves for what’s ahead by consulting an experienced family law attorney.