When couples decide to end their marriages, they typically encounter a host of financial changes, along with the obvious life changes to which they must adjust. Finances become a particular challenge for those who divorce later in life, as they are nearing or are...

Experienced. Understanding. Successful.
An amicable divorce is possible
It is often said that nearly half of all marriages end in divorce. While many regard the process as a contentious affair with couples battling for their best share in the courtroom, the reality is that the situation does not have to be that way. If two divorcing...
What to do and not do in divorce
Whether a West Virginia couple has known for a while their marriage is not working out or one spouse simply decides one day to abandon the marriage, divorce can bring about a range of emotions for both parties. As emotional as the process can be, those...
Cities with highest rates of divorce
Divorce can happen for many reasons, and couples in virtually every corner of the country choose to go through the process. However, one health-related website recently analyzed data taken from the U.S. Census Bureau and determined that certain cities see higher rates...
Issues that lead to divorce, including a long commute
You might recall some of the conversations that you and your spouse had when you were recently married and deciding where you wanted to settle to raise a family. Perhaps both of you loved the scenic views in West Virginia and, at the time, didn’t think it would be a...
Which professionals can help make a divorce easier?
Going through a divorce can often feel lonely and a bit confusing. One of the best ways to combat this while also going through the process sooner is to surround oneself with the right “team.” There are several types of West Virginia professionals who are highly...
Staying positive after your divorce
The end of a marriage can bring confusion and fear, and this is understandable. Whether you took the initiative to file for divorce or your spouse made the decision, you are likely facing many questions and feelings of uncertainty about the future. These...
Compiling the right documents for a smooth divorce
There are many factors that can impact the ease and speed of a divorce, from the relationship between a couple to the assets they own. One factor that is highly important but often overlooked is having the right documentation. Those who have paperwork such as proof of...
Benefits and limitations of a prenuptial agreement
A prenuptial agreement has many benefits for West Virginia couples. Not only can it protect both parties legally in the case of a marital breakdown, but it is also a great tool for communicating expectations at the start of a marriage. However, when considering the...
How is pet custody determined in divorce?
When a married couple parts ways, shared pets can be particularly emotional issues. It is common for individuals to ask how pet custody is determined in West Virginia. As with many divorce-related issues, the answer to this question can vary from state to state. In...